Gummies Revisted

Because, well, I have no excuse.

I find myself funny and force my humor on to you.  You are that lucky.

You, lucky duck, you.

And because I can.

gummies revisited

Happy Friday.  Make it a good one.

~ by shutterboo on February 19, 2010.

10 Responses to “Gummies Revisted”

  1. thanks
    my Friday needed that

  2. Oh, if I only had a few…dozen…pineapple flavored gummy bears.

  3. i feel like the headless green gummy …. i kind of look like him too.
    this is my most favorite picture ever.

  4. I’m laughing over here because, any time I let my daughter pick the candy she wants from the bulk candy aisle @ our local market, I say a little prayer in my head she’ll pick the gummie bears. Is that wrong??

  5. “I find myself funny and force my humor on to you. You are that lucky.”

    I mean, seriously! Isn’t that the best kind of humor, evar?!? :p

    I see you beheaded the green one first. Nice. Hidden message there? Hmmmm.

  6. We ARE lucky!

    …except that last week when you talked about Gummi bears I caught your craving and had to go buy some. This post does not bode well for me…

  7. would this be considered a Gummy Slasher?

  8. This would be a great ad for …. something. Awesome photo.

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